Roof liners for residential housing in Peru

AUSTROPLAN for miner’s accomodation

Location: Peru
Project Date: 2013
Product: AUSTROPLAN FVK 1.2 mm

csm_5_bearb_67884bcd84The project

The company QSI ordered 800 m² of AGRU AUSTROPLAN FPO roof liners for a project in Peru to renovate two residential housing complexes for miners, one with a concrete and one with a wooden roof. There are manifold advantages of AUSTROPLAN roof liners. They offer excellent welding performance, convince with high flexibility and life span, are practically maintenance-free and easy and secure to install. AUSTROPLAN roof liners are tear- and weatherproof. This was especially advantageous for the project in Peru, as buildings there have to be able to resist the harsh subtropical climate conditions, such as high humidity, constant sun exposure and heavy monsoon rain.

For the renovation project in Peru special roof liners with a combination of glass fibre fabric and reinforcement scrim were used. This type of roof liner offers best mechanical strength and enables mechanical fixing of the liners on the roof.

csm_2_bearb_f46fd44b85Installation of AUSTROPLAN

Before the liners were installed, it was made sure that the surface of the roof was clean. Nails and other remnants of the old liners were discarded. Sharp objects and plants, which could potentially damage the new roof liners, were also cleared away.

csm_4_bearb_789128d276Subsequently, the AUSTROPLAN roof liners were laid, fixed and welded. Much value was placed upon the correct use of all tools and welding machines. Installation and welding was also subject of a workshop provided by AGRU for the workers at the start of the laying process. The AUSTROPLAN roof liners were laid with great care by a company organised by Quimica Suiza. The professional execution of detailed working processes, as well as the sealing of chimneys and ventilation shafts was planned precisely.

AUSTROPLAN roof liners are subject to very strict quality controls and undergo strict tests before installation. These tests were of utmost importance for the client, as the climate in Peru is inconsistent and therefore, it can be an extreme strain

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